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Kirtan is a beautiful and accessible style of Indian devotional music.  Shared in a call and response format, it encourages and inspires participants to fearlessly express themselves.  Through simple chants which repeat the different names of the Divine, we stoke the fire of the heart and co-create a joyful, intoxicating and high vibrational experience!  This is the cornerstone of my personal practice, and it is my sincerest passion and pleasure to share.  I feel it is important to come together in community with shared intention, and this has proved to be an incredible vessel for just that.  Please message me to inquire about hosting kirtan at your space or for more information on private lessons for enriching your personal practice.


I traveled to India in 2013 where I obtained my 200-hr teacher certification.  That journey and these teachings have proven to be life changing for me, which is the driving force behind my desire to share it.  The word Sattva means whole, and this practice creates experiences that access and stimulate the entirety of your being... extending far past the confines and corners of your mat. Developed by Master teacher Anand Mehrotra, Sattva is an ever evolving practice which marries kriya, pranayama (breath), hatha (flow/postures), meditation, freedom movement, music, and wisdom all woven to facilitate radical shifts within and without.  This practice provides you with the tools to break through any self made limitations by experiencing the loving truth of who you are.  For more information on the practice and teachings, click here 

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